Recent Posts

  • Walk The Line

    Rockwall HS Walk The Line

    Based just east of Dallas, Texas, Rockwall High School Walk The Line shares with us their evolution and growth into a high school group that competes nationally and delights audiences. They talk about how they do what they do, and sing us some of their current songs. Recorded in 2017.

  • The Thursdays

    Chelmsford HS The Thursdays

    Hailing from Chelmsford, Massachusetts, The Thursdays have been distinguishing themselves for several years. While at the ICHSA National Finals, we invited them into the mobile studio to talk about their path to New York, how they select their music, and what they get from their time in the group. Plus, they sing some of their award-winning music! Recorded in 2017.



    In 2017, BLACKOUT joined us in the mobile studio to talk about their formation as a group, how they bond (and how that helps them musically), and how they structure the group to make sure things get accomplished and goals get set and reached. While there, they sang us some tunes as well! Recorded in 2017.

  • Vocal Jazz

    Jacksonville HS Vocal Jazz

    Coming from Arkansas, the Jacksonville HS Vocal Jazz joined us to talk about how they've transitioned to more of a contemporary a cappella focus, and what that means for their sound. We talk about what it's like to join a group in flux, and how the members have helped shape what's ahead. They also sang some songs for us! Recorded in 2017 - now the group is called Natural State of Mind.

  • Mezzo NYC

    Mezzo NYC

    There are big advantages and disadvantages to building a post-collegiate group in New York City. We talk with Mezzo about both this episode, along with how their sound is continuing to evolve. While with us in the mobile studio, they sing us some tunes as well! Recorded in 2017.

  • Top Shelf

    Top Shelf

    We invited Top Shelf into the mobile studio to talk about how they've been focusing their rep and evolving their sound, how they make big decisions together, and about their vibe today. While with us, they sang us some of their current songs as well. Recorded in 2017.

  • WOW Vocal Group

    WOW Voice Group

    VoiceJam is a festival that brings together groups from around the world, and while we were there, we brought Chinese group WOW Voice Group into the mobile studio to learn more about their journey. They've been around only a year or so, and despite speaking in a non-native language, did a great job of talking about their music and influences. We also heard them sing us some tunes!

  • Lustre Quartet

    Lustre Quartet

    Lustre Quartet has won all kinds of awards in a cappella, including some of the most prestigious barbershop awards around (they have tiaras!) - so when we invited them into the mobile studio, we knew we were in for a treat! The session was fun and funny, as they walked us through how they work together as a team and make great music. They even sang some of that great music for us, too! Recorded in 2017.

  • Doo Wop Sounds

    Doo Wop Sounds

    The sound of Doo Wop Sounds is remarkable and unmistakable - smooth, clean, and crisp. We invited them into the mobile studio to sing for us, and to share their journey as a group, both metaphorically and literally - from Korea to Arkansas for VoiceJam! Recorded in 2017.

  • Schola Cantorum

    U of Arkansas Schola Cantorum

    Schola Cantorum might just hold the record for the largest group we've ever had in #TheSpotlight - because it's pretty unusual to have a choir join us. But while together, they shared their more contemporary a cappella repertoire, and then talked about their impressive history at the University of Arkansas. Recorded in 2017.