Recent Posts

  • Tarpeggios

    U of North Carolina Tarpeggios

    The Tarpeggios from the University of North Carolina have done a lot in only a handful of years or so - we revisit their founding, talk about how they've made such progress, and look ahead to see what's on the horizon for the group. While they were in the mobile studio, the group also sang some song for us. Recorded in 2017.

  • No Strings Attached

    Emory U No Strings Attached

    In late 2016, we invited the guys of Emory University's No Strings Attached into the mobile studio, to get to know the group better, learn about their backstory, and hear them sing some songs from their current repertoire.

  • Grains of Time

    North Carolina State U Grains of Time

    The guys of the North Carolina State University Grains of Time joined us in the mobile studio to sing some songs, tell some stories, and have some laughs. And while they were here, we did all three! Recorded in late 2016.

  • KnightSong


    Every group has times of the year when it's busier than others. But there are some groups - like KnightSong - that are very quiet for much of the year, then go wild for a month or two, then get quiet again. We talk with KnightSong about that routine and how to make it work for all the singers, and hear them sing some songs as well. Recorded in late 2016.

  • IPA Quartet

    IPA Quartet

    While at a Barbershop Harmony Society convention, we caught up with the guys of the IPA Quartet, and talked about their evolution as a group, their relationship to their chorus in Boise, and about their sound. Hear it all - including some tunes - in this episode, recorded in late 2016.

  • Ecotones

    U of Georgia Ecotones

    While in the Atlanta area, we were happy to bring the Ecotones from the University of Georgia into the mobile studio. They talk about being a mission-driven a cappella group, and how that reflects itself in what they do and how they do it. We also hear them sing some songs for us. Recorded in late 2016.

  • Notochords

    Virginia Commonwealth U Notochords

    While in the mobile studio, the Virginia Commonwealth University Notochords talked with us about the scene at VCU, about their backstory, and about what they're working on right now. They also sang us some tunes! Recorded in late 2016.

  • Mic

    Rip Chord

    There are several groups with the name Rip Chord - even several quartets in the barbershop world. We were happy to be sitting with the quartet from Washington State on this episode, as they talked about their growth through personnel changes and more, and sang us some songs. Recorded in 2016.

  • Tar Heel Voices

    U of North Carolina Tar Heel Voices

    The University of North Carolina Tar Heel Voices joined us to talk about their origins on the UNC campus, their recent travel on tour, and their thoughts about recording and competition. We also heard them sing us some of their current tunes. Recorded in late 2016.

  • A Completely Different Note

    U of Connecticut A Completely Different Note

    We had a great time sitting with the guys of the University of Connecticut's A Completely Different Note! We talked with them about deciding to be in an all-guys group, about festivals like SingStrong vs. competitions like ICCA, and more. They also sang for us in the mobile studio. Recorded in 2016.