Recent Posts

  • Resound


    While in the mobile studio, Resound talked about their group's trajectory and how they go about arranging for their three voices. They discuss the key role that the church community has played in their success, and sing some of their current music for us. Recorded in 2015.

  • Uncommon


    Uncommon already sounds great - and they're still working on growing the group. We talk about that process, about finding your sound, and about building an a cappella community in the Richmond, Virginia area. They also sing some of their current repertoire. Recorded in 2015.

  • Epic Quartet

    Epic Quartet

    Epic has reached the pinnacle of barbershop - they were crowned Harmony Inc champions (Harmony Queens) in 2012. So we were really happy to bring them into the mobile studio to talk about that journey, about recording, and about what comes next for the women of the group. We also heard them sing some fun music for us! Recorded in 2015.

  • Straighter Road

    Straighter Road

    While at the 2015 National Harmony Sweepstakes Finals, we sat down with competitors Straighter Road - little did we know they were going to win the whole thing just a few hours later! We talked with the group about growing up with crunchy chords and music, the life journeys that brought people to Straighter Road, and their arranging process. We also heard the tunes that won them national acclaim!

  • Low Key

    Low Key

    After flying across the country to compete in the National Harmony Sweepstakes Finals in 2015, the members of Low Key were gracious enough to join us in the mobile studio. We're so glad they did - they were great fun! We talked about the post-collegiate a cappella scene in NYC, about building a group there, and about the role of competition in making a group better (along with the trade-offs). We also heard some of their award-winning music!

  • MelUDees

    U of Delaware MelUDees

    While in the Northeastern US, we invited the MelUDees into the mobile studio to share their group's story, their current vibe, and how they make the group work. We talk about setting priorities, making things happen, and how they pick their repertoire. We also hear some of that rep, as they sing for us! Recorded in 2015.

  • YChromes

    U of Delaware YChromes

    We were glad to welcome the YChromes into the mobile studio to talk about the rich history of the group, as well as where it is today - in terms of their presence on campus and in the broader a cappella community. We talk about spending time on recording, touring, and competing, and hear some of the YChromes' current repertoire. Recorded in 2015.

  • Venus d Minor

    Venus d Minor

    Keeping a post-collegiate group together and thriving for nearly two decades is quite a feat! Venus d Minor has done it with style, great sound ... and more than a little wine. From their origins as the Winettes, we talk with the group about all that has come along since, and their current sound and song choices. They share that sound with us as well, singing some of their current rep. Recorded in 2015.

  • Vocal Point

    U of Delaware Vocal Point

    We traveled to the University of Delaware and brought Vocal Point into the mobile studio to talk about their impressive history - and, what's more, about all they are up to now! One of their first competition appearances, recording their first EP - and so much more! We also hear them sing some of their current music for us. Recorded in 2015.

  • Mind the Gap

    U of Oregon Mind The Gap

    While in Eugene, we were joined by the members of Mind the Gap to talk about the a cappella scene on the Oregon campus, about building a presence on campus vs. more broadly in the region and country, and choosing repertoire and other priorities. They were gracious enough to sing for us as well. Recorded in 2015.